no sides
This morning, an email in my forever flooded inbox; one of the parents in one of the girls’ classes had made an end-of-the-year photobook for our sweet and patient teacher.
I clicked on the link to preview
in fullscreen mode.
Clicking the arrows
to advance time forward,
and burst into tears
at all the smiling September faces.
The now-almost-second-graders,
pointing something out to a classmate,
holding an earthworm in the garden,
sitting on their rug spot,
waiting patiently.
I cry a little more,
drink my breakfast smoothie.
I cry now,
thinking of the meals he’s prepared for us,
the novelty of this thing’s beginning,
when I would take a photo at every dinnertime.
This is no longer a special occasion.
It’s not enough.
There will never be enough done.
Remember the cathedral?
Remember the cathedral.
I am remembering the cathedral.
I am picturing Breonna Taylor in the cathedral, Tony and Nina in the cathedral, Rem’mie and Riah and Toyin in the cathedral.
No ceiling, no walls, invisible rainbow stained glass windows on all sides, but no sides just sky sky sky.